Abel-Sculpture - France-Sculpture and Art Design - Design figurativ projects personalized on demand for decoration, clay, rezin, aluminium.

Abel's partners


from June 5, 2024, ABEL presents his works at theGalerie Ceci N'est pas une PISCINE -COLLABORATIVE ART GALLERY- 35 bis avenue Jean Lebas -59100- ROUBAIX.
The gallery is open THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY- from 11am to 6pm.

Galerie Ceci N'est Pas une Piscine

Created in France

ABEL sculpture art-design adheres to Ateliers d'Art de France. 

La GALERIE CHIPOT - La Chouette de Minerve

Between Béziers and Carcassonne nestles an intimate gallery open to many artists. ABEL is represented here with numerous drawings and his figurative sculptures in Bronze and Aluminium.
Address: 4 bis rue des Martyrs-34210-MINERVE-FRANCE